Uniform on demand, we specialize in providing different types of uniforms as follows:
- Student uniforms (level 1, 2, 3)
- University Student uniform
- Class uniform (Class uniform, group uniform)
- Pre-school uniform
- Office uniform (Đồng phục công sở nam, nữ)
- Worker uniform
- Security Guard uniform
- Restaurant uniform

- Hotel uniform
- Workwear uniform
- Bank, Aviation uniform
- Reception, attendant uniform
- Hospital, healthcare uniform
- Sale, PG, café uniform
- Sports uniform
- Family uniform
- Ready made uniform
- Cloth uniform (T-shitr, Pull, Corcodiles, Jacket, windbreaker, pair shirts)
- have services of designing and sewing all types of uniform
- Print on uniform, embroider uniform, sew uniform I

With professional and career experience, we will consult, design and sew the best uniforms for all the customers. Come to us, the customers will be pleased with the quality and service.

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